
Ambrosia Maple and Wenge Box - 151



Measures 8" long by 5" wide by 3.25" high.    $70

Ambrosia Maple - There are approximately 128 species , most of which are native to Asia, with a number also appearing in Europe, northern Africa, and North America. The ambrosia character in the maple wood is caused by a beetle which bores through the living wood, carrying a fungus on its legs/carapace that is deposited on the wood fibers.  As the sap continues to flow through the tree, it causes the fungus to spread out through the wood from the small holes carved by the beetle.  This ambrosia fungus, which gives the wood its name, causes discoloration in the maple lumber ranging through various shades of brown, but sometimes including orange, pink, green, and light purple.  When boards are flat-sawn from these logs, the ambrosia signature is accentuated and the wood achieves a highly unique appearance with a distinctly rustic nature.  Although created by this combination of beetle and fungus activity, ambrosia maple is sometimes referred to as "wormy" maple.

Wenge - Usually pronounced WHEN-gii or WHEN-ghay, Wenge is a member of the great tree producing family, Leguminosae and comes from Zaire and other small countries of West Africa. T he wood has excellent strength and hardness properties, and is also dark enough to be used as a substitute for ebony. It is a good wood for turning and is sliced for paneling and veneers for furniture and cabinets and musical instruments . As with most exotic woods, it is selected for its color and dramatic appearance in any project that seems appropriate.